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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "soviet union - politics and government - 1986-1991"

     3  soviet union - politics and government - 1986-1991
     1  soviet-era
     1  soviet-era moscow hotel to be destroyed
     1  sow
     1  sow pain,
     2  sowing
     1  sowing seeds
     1  sowing seeds of desire
     1  sowing the
     1  sowing the seeds of starvation
     1  sowjets
     2  sows
     1  sows discord
     1  sows seeds
     1  soy
     1  soy sauce
     1  soybean
     1  soybean imports.
     1  sozanski050808.htm
     2  sozialen
     1  soziales
     1  sozialismus:
     1  sozialkritik.
     1  sozialpolitik
     1  sozialwohnungen
    34  space
     1  space - songs and music
     3  space activities
     1  space flight
     5  space flights - china

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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